Saturday, August 4, 2007

Well hello everyone i have finally had the time to set up my first blog. But i still had to have the help from my wonderful wife (SHE IS THE GREATEST). I was going to do it on Friday but i went to Promise Keepers (a conference for men) This was the first time i have ever been to one and i tell you it is something i will never forget it was so AWESOME, and it made me even closer to God.The testimonies that the speakers shared with the group was so great and it opened my eyes to a whole new light on how i need to be with God. If any men out there have never been to Promise Keeper take it from someone that has never been until this weekend you should go. I am not sure how many men were there but i would have never imagined that i would ever be around so many men from different parts of the United States singing , praying , and worshiping our awesome God like we all did these past 2 days i am so glad i was able to go.


Unknown said...

Awesome man!! You and your wife ROCK. Love both of your blog names!!!

Chris Reeder


Gary if you only knew what a good friend you truly are. I was really thrilled when you ask me to join the Night Freight Team! I saw your heart the first time I met you. You're truly a man of GOD! I LOVE YOU! Your blog is great.You can also check my blog is
Give my best to the family

cookin4God said...

check it out, check it out!! you did your homework!! Love it!!